Unlock Yourself
Your journey in Jin Shin Jyutsu Safety Energy Locks

Unlock Yourself
2021 EDITION April 1-26
26 locks to open up your BEing
Simply opening up one energy lock a day until we reach Safety Energy Lock 26 from April 1-26, 2021. These 26 safety energy locks of Jin Shin Jyutsu are part of your energy pathways. By unlocking these energy locks, energy can start to flow freely through your body, mind, and spirit.
A lovely experience
a free flow of energy
Getting to know the Safety Energy Locks Jin Shin Jyutsu will be easy and effortless and bring you relaxation, energy, and harmony. Everyone could use flow in her or his life.
Ideal for everyone who wants to learn a simple way to help yourself and your loved ones on a daily basis. You’ll integrate this immediately in your life, it’s that easy!
We’ll be we the 26 safety energy locks of Jin Shin Jyutsu. They are part of our energy pathways. By unlocking these energy locks, energy can start to flow freely through body, mind, and spirit.
And in April 2021, we can work with the vibration of the day enhancing the experience of holding the Safety Energy Locks. So we hold Safety Energy Lock 1 on April 1, 2021 (= 4+1+2+0+2+1=10=1), April 2, 2021 (4+1+2+0+2+1=11=2) etc.
Each lock has its own number, meaning, vibration, color etc with which we connect.
It’s an experience not a course
BEing with one lock each day
We’ll be together on this journey from April 1-26. One Safety Energy Lock a day. You’ll discover a lock each day and BE with the lock for a couple of minutes or as long as you like. You can join me in a daily guided meditation with the lock each day in Facebook live or do it your own way and watch the replay. You can expect a mail from me each day to give you some guidance, explanation, and inspiration on the Safety Energy Lock of that day. I hope you’ll join me and connect without yourself, me, and us ALL to open up your energy pathways.
By the end of the month, your energy will flow more easily and freely and you’ll feel
happy, harmonized, and healthy!
A guided self-help practice every day
Connecting and holding space
Daily Facebook live & replay
Daily email with clear explanation
47 euro
VAT (9%) included
‘I will give you the keys for the heaven within.’
Mary Burmeister
A warm invitation to join
On April 1 we start. One energy lock a day for 26 days.
Each day we’ll BE with the lock for a couple of minutes or as long as you like.
Within 24 hours after receiving your payment you’ll be given access to a special Facebook group ‘Unlock Yourself ‘ and receive a welcome email. You can join me in a guided meditation with the lock each day in a Facebook/ZOOM live at 13.00 CET Amsterdam or do it your own way or with the replay. You can expect a mail from me each day to give you some guidance, explanation, and inspiration on the Safety Energy Lock of that day. I love for you to join and connect to yourself, me, and us ALL.
47 euro
VAT (9%) included
About me
Jin Shin Jyutsu changed my life
From a very early age I was interested in the universe and had a lot of life questions. Who am I? Why am I here? Where do we come from and where do we go? So I started reading and studying these questions. And it wasn’t until I discovered Jin Shin Jyutsu that everything came together. All my life questions answered by this one beautiful and simple healing Art. My quest ended and my life path was clear.
In the last 20 years, Jin Shin Jyutsu has been part of my life and that of the people around me. Transforming my life and theirs.
It brought ease and flow in my life, energizing and harmonizing my BEing. Making my life a happy and healthy one.
The words of a doctor I saw speak volumes. She asked: ‘Is it right? Has it really been 12 years since you’ve been to the doctor?…’
…and that day I only visited her because I wanted to know my Vitamine D level.
Ideal for everyone who wants to learn a simple way to help yourself and your loved ones on a daily basis. You’ll integrate this immediately in your life, it’s that easy!
Jin Shin Jyutsu can really transform your life and embark you on a life-altering journey to Get to Know Oneself.