Signature Training
The Secret of Your Hands
I AM LIGHT Jin Shin Jyutsu Selfhelp 1
Your journey in Jin Shin Jyutsu selfcare

Learn everything there is to know about how to take care of yourself with Jin Shin Jyutsu.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is way to harmonize and energize your body, mind, and spirit by simply using your hands.
After 15 years of offline Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-help 1 courses, now this training is available online! You can simply participate in the comfort of your house and go at your own pace.
An enjoyable online course
change your life with Jin Shin Jyutsu
Getting to know the basics of Jin Shin Jyutsu will be easy and effortless and bring you relaxation, energy, and harmony. Everyone could use a little Jin Shin Jyutsu in her or his life.
Ideal for everyone who wants to learn a simple way to help yourself and your loved ones on a daily basis. You’ll integrate this immediately in your life, it’s that easy!
You’ll learn how to specifically use your hands to simply harmonize and balance your energy on the level of spirit, mind, and body. You’ll discover easy flows and hand positions you can use every day with ease.
What does the training consist of?
Learn Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-help 1 in 8 weeks
In the Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-help 1 training, you’ll find an online learning platform for easy learning. This way you’ll effortlessly master the flows and hand positions and dive deep into the profound philosophy of Jin Shin Jyutsu underlying the practical application.
Audios guiding you through all the different exercises, like a meditation
The original book of Mary Burmeister: Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu, send to your home adress
Videos to explain the material clearly
Unlimited access to the material
Inspiration, motivation, support and a place for a quick question in a closed Facebook group.
A journal to elevate the process of Getting to Know (Help) Myself
Rate for the online training
333 euro
VAT (9%) included
‘The best place to find a helping hand
is at the end of ones arm.’
Mary Burmeister
Discover Yourself
100% online, 100% in depth
This Jin Shin Jyutsu training is designed in a way you can immediately apply it in your own life. You’ll start to get to know yourself a little bit better every day. You’ll be provided with all the tools, information and support. Very empowering not only for your own life, but also that of your loved ones.

The foundation and daily practice

A-Z all about Jin Shin Jyutsu Selfhelp

The Jin Shin Jyutsu philosophy

The Jin Shin Jyutsu practice

Connect to Your Source of Life

Flows to energize, digest and purify

Practical hand positions to ease your life

A journal to elevate your experience
‘Much more understanding’
Understanding of the connections and the different levels.
More Conscious of Being in the Now
Started to better Listen, Watch and Feel’ – Ans D.
Have a sneak peak below

Who is this course for?
A training full of knowledge and wisdom for
both your own and your professional practice
This online basic training involves an in-depth study of Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-help 1 from A to Z combined with practical application and experiences.
How could you use Jin Shin Jyutsu in our current life with the challenges of today’s world and how do you integrate it into your own life?
Perfect for student-practitioners, yoga teachers, coaches and therapists to integrate and combine. But especially for anyone who wants to blend this relaxing, energizing and harmonizing art into his or her life.
This training is deliberately designed as basic training, accessible to everyone. After this training, you can decide to expand your studies with a 5-day foundation Jin Shin Jyutsu class (see Live courses on my website)
Program Jin Shin Jyutsu
self-help training
contents & elements
I have taught and applied Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help 1 for so many years now, it has become part of my DNA and that of the participants. Everyone found a way to personalize and integrate the simple practice in their daily lives. Me personally, I would not know what to do without this amazing healing art in my life, which has saved me more than once.
This training consist of 6 modules with easy to follow lessons and practices. Below you can read exactly which ones are covered step by step during the 8 training weeks.
Introducing myself and a walk you through the course giving you a roadmap for the whole course.
Origins of Jin Shin Jyutsu
This module talks about the origin of Jin Shin Jyutsu and its basic principles. And of course, a beautiful practice to start your practice with. Also the first steps into journaling can be made here.
The Source of Life
This module will teach you how to connect with source energy every day to keep you energized and balanced on all levels, body, mind, and spirit. A start to connect you with you and ALL
Your Hands and Fingers
An amazing journey into everything our hands and fingers have to offer. You’ll be amazed by what you can find in the fingers and hands. You’ll learn how to use this wisdom in your everyday life.
Daily Flows
A big module with 3 important flows to learn. Every flow has its own benefits and you’ll get to know them and discover & experience the deep effect of applying them.
Practical Ease
This module will teach you wonderful practical hand positions to harmonize and ease daily discomforts we experience in our modern lives. Just a sweet and simple practice for daily life.
Bonus Module: Harmonizer
A surprise to help you to simply blend the practices into your life.
Rate for the training
The 8-week training starts whenever you want. Within 24 hours after receiving your payment you’ll be given you access to the digital learning environment. And as soon as possible we’ll send the precious book of Mary Burmeister, ‘ Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu’ to your home address. You’ll also get direct access to the app on your phone, so you can find your lessons easily on your phone too.
Of course, you’ll invest some of your time to watch the videos and do the exercises. However, I keep every video short and the exercises vary in time.
It doesn’t really matter how much time you invest, you’ll feel the immediate effect of the exercises the moment you do the exercises and often during the rest of your day or night.
You can emerge yourself in one weekend and maybe come back later, go at your one pace or follow along the 8 weeks training schedule. It’s totally up to you. You have unlimited access.
One-time payment
333 euro
VAT (9%) included
About me
Jin Shin Jyutsu changed my life
From a very early age I was interested in the universe and had a lot of life questions. Who am I? Why am I here? Where do we come from and where do we go? So I started reading and studying these questions. And it wasn’t until I discovered Jin Shin Jyutsu that everything came together. All my life questions answered by this one beautiful and simple healing Art. My quest ended and my life path was clear.
In the last 20 years, Jin Shin Jyutsu has been part of my life and that of the people around me. Transforming my life and theirs.
It brought ease and flow in my life, energizing and harmonizing my BEing. Making my life a happy and healthy one.
The words of a doctor I saw speak volumes. She asked: ‘Is it right? Has it really been 12 years since you’ve been to the doctor?…’
…and that day I only visited her because I wanted to know my Vitamine D level.
Ideal for everyone who wants to learn a simple way to help yourself and your loved ones on a daily basis. You’ll integrate this immediately in your life, it’s that easy!
Jin Shin Jyutsu can really transform your life and embark you on a life-altering journey to Get to Know Oneself.