Online session
Live Jin Shin Jyutsu online session
Keeping (y)our vibration high and your energy levels up is a great way to stay happy and healthy and connected to (y)our source energy.
Jin Shin Jyutsu, translated as The Universal Art of the Creator through the compassionate human, is much more than just doing some exercises to clear a headache or ease pain or physical discomfort.
Tap into your source energy
Jin Shin Jyutsu is a practice that enables you to tap into (y)our source energy and experience your Infinite SELF. That’s why Jin Shin Jyutsu is called a Physio-Philosophy by Mary Burmeister.
WE are ONE, the Cosmos itself, is one of the first sentences Mary Burmeister presents to us in her textbooks, telling us that we are all connected to Source and source energy. ALL Being part of the same universal energy.
Here in this Oneness, I found amazing and exciting connections can be made.
Now in this space, I experienced, I can guide, support and offer online sessions with beautiful outcomes.
How does it work
We schedule a LIVE Zoom call together.
We begin by looking at how you like to proceed and decide together which way this online session will develop.
For example a private Jin Shin Jyustu Self Help session or a healing session at distance.
During the LIVE meeting, we’ll assess your current situation and your wishes. Tuning in on you, I can intuitively feel and see how I can support you in the most beneficial way in this moment of BEing together.
If you like an online session, please let me know. We can make an appointment for this via email, app or phone. You can also book through the button below.
Duration: 60 minutes

‘I can really feel the energy moving through my body and I have the same kind of experiences when I am with you in your practice’ is one of the things people tell me after a session.
‘Thank you! I enjoyed the experience’. – C. The Hague
‘I thought it was special that you touched me like this. At a distance’. – E. Leidschendam
‘Be my own testimony.’