In tune with the moon’s rhythm
Starting at the New Moon May 30th
Attune Yourself
Moving with the Moon and her journey through The Signs of the Zodiac
Do you like to move with the natural rhythm of the moon and use its power to the fullest in your life?
The moon’s orbit is a natural cycle of build-up, growth, full bloom, winding down, and letting go. And we can attune ourselves to this natural cycle of the moon and embody her movement through The Signs of the Zodiac.
Jin Shin Jyutsu offers us amazing and easy self-care tools to help us to align ourselves with the moon and her movement through the moon cycle.
During this Moon Flow Month, we’ll use the ancient wisdom of the healing art called Jin Shin Jyutsu to really harmonize our energy pathways in the body with the rhythm of the Moon.
A lovely experience
attunement to the moon cycle
Moving with the Moon through all the signs in the Moon cycle will really help you to align to her energy and her rhythm.
The Moon and the Signs of the Zodiac: Sometimes the moon is in Gemini, other times in Aries or Aquarius. But how often does the moon actually change constellations? What does that really mean, and what can we notice and feel about it?
In this experience we align and attune with the Moon, you’ll go with the cycle of the Moon for a month and embody the unique energies of her journey through the Signs.
By embodying her energies you’ll find that the moon’s power can transform your life. And you can really get to know nature’s rhythm around and inside of you.
Every 2-3 days when the Moon changes The Sign you’ll receive a simple self-help tool to attune and embody the energy of the moon in that sign.
Ideal for everyone who wants to easily align with the Moon on the level of body-mind-spirit and really attune the energy of your being with the energy of the moon. Synchronizing you with nature’s rhythm.
You’ll integrate this immediately into your life, it’s that easy!
It’s an experience, not a course
moving with the moon through the signs
We’ll be together from May 30th with a new moon in Gemini.
You can join the guided self-help meditation live or use the replay. Here you receive the self-help tool. This self-help tool you can keep on using during the 2-3 days the moon is in that Sign.
The Moon moves through each sign in 2 to 3 days. We will align with the sign the Moon is in every 2 to 3 days.
Each moment the moon moves to a new sign during the moon cycle you can join me in a 15-minute guided meditation with an easy self-help handposition to attune yourself to the moon or watch the replay.
You can expect regular mail from me during the Moon Flow experience to give you some guidance, explanation, and inspiration.
By the end of the month, you will be connected with the rhythm of the moon
and with her natural order.
A guided self-help practice in each sign the moon moves through during her cycle
You'll learn how to tune into the moon's energy with easy self-help tools.
Facebook/Zoom live every 2-3 days & replay in your mail
Regular email with guidance, explanation and inspiration
99 euro
VAT (9%) included
‘I will give you the keys for the heaven within.’
Mary Burmeister
A warm invitation to join
Moon Flow
I love for you to join on May 30, with a New Moon in Gemini,
a particularly new and fresh beginning after the recent eclipse in Scorpio.
Within 24 hours after receiving your payment you’ll be given access to a special Facebook group MoonFlow and receive a welcome email. You can join me in a guided meditation every 2 to 3 days in a Facebook/ZOOM live or use the replay. You can expect a mail from me regularly to give you some guidance, explanation, and inspiration on the Moon, her phase, and her energy in relationship with the sign she is in at that moment.
A deep embodiment and integration of the energy of the moon. You’ll find that the moon’s power can transform your life.
99 euros
VAT (9%) included
About me
Jin Shin Jyutsu changed my life
From a very early age I was interested in the universe and had a lot of life questions. Who am I? Why am I here? Where do we come from and where do we go? So I started reading and studying these questions. And it wasn’t until I discovered Jin Shin Jyutsu that everything came together. All my life questions answered by this one beautiful and simple healing Art. My quest ended and my life path was clear.
In the last 20 years, Jin Shin Jyutsu has been part of my life and that of the people around me. Transforming my life and theirs.
It brought ease and flow in my life, energizing and harmonizing my BEing. Making my life a happy and healthy one.
The words of a doctor I saw speak volumes. She asked: ‘Is it right? Has it really been 12 years since you’ve been to the doctor?…’
…and that day I only visited her because I wanted to know my Vitamine D level.
Ideal for everyone who wants to learn a simple way to help yourself and your loved ones on a daily basis. You’ll integrate this immediately in your life, it’s that easy!
Jin Shin Jyutsu can really transform your life and embark you on a life-altering journey to Get to Know Oneself.